The alarm pulled Gary into the world of Tuesday. 6am and he knew there was a long day ahead.

‘A good breakfast, that’s the secret, that’ll keep me going all day long.’

He scrambled the eggs, then sat and gazed out on the Chicago skyline as he planned his route. He knew where he would be tomorrow at this time. He’d be right back in Chicago but there was a lot of walking to be done before then.

‘Right, coat on. Time to go.’

He rang Julie downstairs. “Are you leaving now?”

Julie was ready, setting out for work for the day. Her office was on his route, a short walk from their apartment block, so he went along with her, right there beside her on the sidewalk.

“Can we go out tomorrow night?” he said, just like that, brave as you like.

“I thought you were going away on a long hike? Will you be back by then?”

“Oh, I’ll be back. I’ll be tired, but I’ll be back, probably falling down at your door.”

He smiled, she smiled.

“Ok,” she said. “We could go out for a beer together if you like.”

“That’s perfect. If I get drunk, I’ll be right next to you. See you later.”

“Have a good day, where are you off to?” She said.

“Kansas City, and I’ll be back by tomorrow morning.”

“Walking? Surely not.” He saw her frown. “That’s got to be a good 500 miles?”

“Oh, it is. 500 there and 500 back. I’d walk that far. I’ll be lonely without you, but I’ll dream of you and that’ll keep me going.”

With that, he sped off, chattering to himself and to her, though he doubted she could hear him.