Another favourite song turned into a story. Can you guess the song? (I think this one is a bit too obvious really)
I finished work early and got the tube home, same as usual. The lights are shining bright when I step off the escalator and emerge into Mepham Street. There are people everywhere, busying themselves around me so much that I feel dizzy.
There are so many people but they aren’t my friends. I don’t need any friends when the sun goes down. I get back to my flat and prepare my dinner, watching the world out of my window. I can see the station from here, the crowds still buzzing around.
I like to make up stories about the people I see. It keeps me happy, I prefer that to wandering around all alone by myself. I guess I’m just lazy like that, but I am very much in paradise as I watch them all.
There’s Terry and Julie again, I’ve seen them before. I call them Terry and Julie because they look like a Terry and Julie would look, I’m sure. They seem happy together, meeting under the clock like that. They kiss, then walk toward the river, no doubt crossing the bridge to party for the evening together. They look happy as they watch the sunset too.
It’s a fine sunset, that’s for sure.
I’m happy on my own, watching it.